Charitable Bequests & The Risk of Family Provision Claims
A testator may leave their estate to whomever they wish, including to any charitable organisations...

Friend/Former Flame fails to establish Close Personal Relationship
A person living in a Close Personal Relationship with the deceased at the time of...

Family Provision Orders: Interstate & Overseas Property
It is not uncommon for a person to own real and personal property not just...

A Lawyer’s Duty to Advise on Potential Family Provision Claims
When preparing a will, a lawyer owes a duty of care to the testator to...

Mediation in Family Provision
In NSW, under the Succession Act and pursuant to Practice Note SC Eq 7 – Family...

Can Your Ex Contest Your Will?
IIn NSW, under s 57(1)(d) of the Succession Act, your Former Spouse (or De Facto...

Preventing a Will Contest: Transferring Property Prior to Death
It is common for testators to transfer property or assets to their intended beneficiaries prior...

Are a Testator’s Moral Obligations Relevant?
Family Provision was traditionally seen as a means of giving effect to a testator's moral...